Sailfin Molly Not Moving Much


Fish Fanatic
Feb 2, 2010
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I returned home from work earlier to discover my Sailfin Molly not moving around much, his just sitting at the bottom of the tank leaning against a stone. There are no visible signs of sickness he looks fine and dosen't have any diseases, should I move him into a hospital tank with salt water? My tank is cycled and Ammonia and Nitrite are at 0 and there is a low reading of Nitrates, I test with a API Test Kit. The only thing I added recently was Co2 injection and Plant Ferts, I have done a huge water change thinking it could be the Plant Ferts.
Do you know what your C02 levels are? I've heard of C02 poisoning if the levels are too high. Maybe someone that knows more can help, I hope it goes well.
Do you know what your C02 levels are? I've heard of C02 poisoning if the levels are too high. Maybe someone that knows more can help, I hope it goes well.

I dunno my Co2 levels as its a DIY Yeast and Sugar job, All my other fish and Shrimps seem fine, I hope he pulls through as his my favourite fish.

UPDATE - I have removed the CO2, will update you all tomorrow morning
You might want to get a bit of surface disturbance going and maybe put an air stone in you suspect it might be high C02 levels.
You might want to get a bit of surface disturbance going and maybe put an air stone in you suspect it might be high C02 levels.

I have surface disturbance, I use a spray bar, but this morning, I was expecting to find my sailfin molly dead but his not, his no longer laying on a stone to keep him up but swimming around a little and looks alot better, I will not use the Co2 injection for a couple of days and will try again when I feel the molly is 100% better but I personally think its the Plant Ferts as I have been running co2 for 3 weeks and only added the ferts 2 days ago.
Glad to hear that he's feeling better :good: Could you share what ferts your dosing and at what amounts so that beginners like me might learn more about what might be the reason for something happening in our tanks? Thanks if you don't mind.

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