Ok, first off that brown slime at the bottom of the live rock tank contains many unhached corals, anenome, snails, feather dusters, small brittle stars, etc... The reason you would want to take your fish out is to give all the forementioned a chance to grow. You will only want a quarter cup of it for a tank that size.
Having two pounds of live rock per gallon will be enough live rock to filter the water on its own. Yes, use cured live rock, but even adding cured live rock will cause your tank to go into a mini cycle again. However, if you have pulled your fish out, this will not be a problem. The method I have given you is called the berlin method, you may want to read up on it a bit. In a tank that size, I highly recomend it. Before you know it the tank will be crawling with life! In fact my neighbor just brought me all his fish, he has a six gallon. He is doing the same thing after watching one of my tanks spring to life. He tells me that in the last week feather dusters have began to grow all over the place, the pods are going nuts, and little star fish have come out of the rock. The tank for the most part used to be a fish only tank, he tells me that he is not planning on putting fish back in at all. We have been adding live rock slowly, and his tank has not gone back into cycle, any time he gets new rock he first puts it in my reef, leaves it there for a week or so, then takes it to his apartment next door. This is the main reason his tank has not gone back into cycle. But with as new of a tank as yours, who cares. You will find that the tank will be much healther in the long run by doing this, not to mention your tank more than likely has not cycled yet.
If you have fish in your tank when adding the brown slime, the will pick through it and eat all the good live critters you are after.
"Clowns are very hardy fish and will often even survive a cycle. My LFS sold me a clown to put in a tank that I had had running for about 4 weeks, and I was concerned that the tank might not be really ready for anything other than the domino damsel that i put in it at 3 weeks, the owner of the LFS said that clowns are related to damsels and are the next hardiest fish, and could even be used to cycle a tank."
Clowns run around $30.00 in my neck of the woods, "often" is not good enough for me.
You dont need fish to cycle a tank, put the fish in when you are confident that they will servive!