I don't have a definite yes/no answer but they would be "safe" as far as not being poisonous to your fish as long as they are natural antlers, not treated with any resins or finishes, and have been washed well with water or maybe even boiled with saltwater if you want to be on the safe side, make sure no pesticides are on them.
Since they are bones, largely calcium and minerals, I think it's possible they could change the pH of your water. Or if your water is acidic, wear down the antlers as well. You could soak the antlers in a bucket of whatever water you use on your tank and monitor the pH of the water and the conditions of the bones for a week or two. If the pH changes or anything looks funny with the antlers or the water, I wouldn't use them.
Note: I'm not an expert on any of this, this is just my two cents. If you have any doubts though, don't do it! Better safe than sorry I think.