I keep coming up with fun ideas to build for the aquaria, but am concerned about using materials that could turn out to be toxic to the fish. This forum seems like an ideal place to compile a list of what's super-safe, what's definitely a no-no, and what may be okay with certain precautions. I'm hoping with some many experienced folks out there, we can put together a great annotated list. I'm thinking for freshwater, but feel free to add anything specific to marine as well. This initial posting is FAR from definitive - it's just a starting point to get discussion going, don't hesitate to offer improvements and corrections!
*plastic tubing (eg airtubes)
*rocks ("purified" by washing/bioling)
acrylic. Are there some kinds that are less suitable?
*PVC pipes -- I know PVC pipes are often recommended as easy "caves" for shy fishies. Does this mean PVC in general is inert in the aquarium? Is it safe to just buy regular PVC stuff at the hardware store and use that?(After thorough soapless cleaning, of course).
*plastics -- depends on the type of plastic, as well as additives (paint, dyes, gunk)
*shells, corals, marine remnants (in fw tank)
*anything that will leach chemicals into the water (QUERY: Is there any way to get some sense of whether this is happening (before killing off all your fishies!) A very basic test I use is to let a candidate material soak in a glass of water for a week or two, and then see if I am happy to drink the water. I figure if it tastes, or smells bad to me, or just somehow feels "gross", probably I should keep it out of the fishtank!
*plastic tubing (eg airtubes)
*rocks ("purified" by washing/bioling)
acrylic. Are there some kinds that are less suitable?
*PVC pipes -- I know PVC pipes are often recommended as easy "caves" for shy fishies. Does this mean PVC in general is inert in the aquarium? Is it safe to just buy regular PVC stuff at the hardware store and use that?(After thorough soapless cleaning, of course).
*plastics -- depends on the type of plastic, as well as additives (paint, dyes, gunk)
*shells, corals, marine remnants (in fw tank)
*anything that will leach chemicals into the water (QUERY: Is there any way to get some sense of whether this is happening (before killing off all your fishies!) A very basic test I use is to let a candidate material soak in a glass of water for a week or two, and then see if I am happy to drink the water. I figure if it tastes, or smells bad to me, or just somehow feels "gross", probably I should keep it out of the fishtank!