Sae's Ok With Moss Balls?

Ben M

Formerly pest control
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
East Yorkshire
hi, i have just got some moss balls, but i'm a bit hesitant to put them into my tank, as i don't know if my SAE's will eat them. will that happen?

cheers :good:
i would take a good guess at no but i have no experience with moss balls so I can't be 100% on that. But what is your other option, leave them out of the tank to die? You may as well chuck them in and if the algae eater has a nibble then you can give the moss balls to a mate or something.
Ive both, and maybe a nibble here and nibble there, but i cant say ive noticed the moss balls seem to hold their own, as the sae's get older they eat less algae and moss balls do not seem to be to their taste. di
Ive both, and maybe a nibble here and nibble there, but i cant say ive noticed the moss balls seem to hold their own, as the sae's get older they eat less algae and moss balls do not seem to be to their taste. di

I second this emotion.

Before I saw fishyfeet's reply I was going to chime in with my comment that MY SAE hasn't so much as TOUCHED a speck of algae in about eight months. All the lazy sod does these days is lay about and pester my poor cories when THEY make him look bad by actually fulfilling THEIR roles, duties and obligations in their ecological niche (that is to say, feed off the bottom)! :grr:

But . . .he was a champion BBA chomper back in his heyday. Before he got all old and lazy (like his owner). :blush:

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