Sae/flying Foxes/ Siamese Fliying Foxes

I'm sure some of the more knowledgeable folks will be along soon, but I don't think anything eats brown hair algae.
True SAE will eat brown/black/red hair algae.They love it and will absolutely devastate it.
SAE are often confused with flying foxes and vise versa.I'd suggest looking up many sites and find out how to positively identify a true SAE if you want one because they are a bit difficult to tell apart and it is very common for them to be miss labeled and confused with flying foxes.I have never kept flying foxes,but from what I've read up on them they will eat less and less algae and become more aggressive as they reach maturity.True SAE will eat algae for their entire lives.Great fish to have if you want algae under control,but like I said make sure you figure out how to I.D. them and don't trust what the lfs label says!

*spelling edit
110l is 29 u.s. gallons correct? If so,I'd say the footprint of most 29 gallon tanks is to small for a SAE,they can grow to 6 inches and are a very active fish,but if your tank is longer as opposed to taller like 29 gallon tanks I'm thinking of I'd say it's fine.
I'm not a cichlid dude but from what I've just read they should be fine together

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