SAE face is red


Fish Crazy
Jul 19, 2003
Reaction score
San Diego, Ca
ok, i just saw my SAE today and saw he is somewhat bloodshot.the point where his fins and fins meet are all red/bloodshot.His face and lower jaw is kinda red/bloodshot from what ive seen,too.

he is still eating and scraping algae tho. but he is not as active as he was(cos he is resting, he doesnt rest at day)

my water parameters are:

Ammonia: 0
Tank Size: 75 gallons
Residents: 20 zebra danios,10 tiger barbs, 3 SAE, 2 bala sharks, 1 red tailed shark, 1 syno eupterus.
Lighting: 1 triphospor(40 watts), 1 Ultralume(40 watts), 1 plant and aquarium light(40 watts),1 cool white lamp(36 watts)
Filters: 1 aquaclear 500, 1 aquaclear 200

I added diy injection and my ph now is 7.8 but i dont think its the ph shift(.4 is kinda normal). i dunno whats going on:-(

So it is a haemorrhage? Is it like some red streaks on the fins? How long have u had ur SAEs for?
i have him for about 11 days now. The other two isnt showing any signs of stress and symptoms....

And as of now, no red streaks on the fins, just a slightly red tinge on where the fin meets the body. and the red thing on his face..
Depending on the actuall species of SAE the red colouring around the mouth/jaws is quite common/normal - arond the fins I'm not so sure about :/

wetwetwet said:
Depending on the actuall species of SAE the red colouring around the mouth/jaws is quite common/normal - arond the fins I'm not so sure about :/

I have the true siamese algae eater. Jagged black line/rests on bottom without belly touching the gravel. Anyways, only one of my three Sae have this. and no other fish has been infected/sick
Have you seen


I brought the false siamensis ( :grr: Maiidenhead Aquatics) but only 2 (of 4) show the red colouring to the mouth area.... :/

wetwetwet said:
Have you seen


I brought the false siamensis ( :grr: Maiidenhead Aquatics) but only 2 (of 4) show the red colouring to the mouth area.... :/

Yes, i have seen the article. i also once bought two"siamese algae eaters",turns out they are the flying foxes(still have one small one, guess the other got killed by the other one(petco...arrgghh).

I clearly have the true one(bought from the best voted independent LFs here in san diego,but the owner is mean and bad service, wont buy there unless i really have to, but really good LFS) as there is the zig zag patter, and transparent fins. Anyways,m the redness from the joints seems to be slighlty gone, but the face is still this because he is male or something, and is ready to mate?
:/ idk m8 maybe sexual dimormfism (and maybe ready to mate but idk :unsure: )

wetwetwet said:
:/ idk m8 maybe sexual dimormfism (and maybe ready to mate but idk :unsure: )

thanx, ill have to see, but if he is fine after a week, maybe your right, just prolly a color change for mating displays..

Again, thank you.
update, day 3: the red thing is gone! I dunno what it is, but i suspect it from quick cure(i put in some when my bala sharks were looking stressed, as they are prone to ich). sorry, forgot to mention i added medication.

Anyways, i thought i use the garlic therapy(made up word) cos i thought it was inner bacterial infection.

Anyways, im glad he is ok now.
Glad ur SAE's alrite!! :D

But garlic therapy? It's new to me... what does it do? n how to do it?
Feline said:
Glad ur SAE's alrite!!  :D

But garlic therapy? It's new to me... what does it do? n how to do it?
Thank you!
i just made the garlic theraphy thing. I know garlic is a good antibiotic/antiviral cos it stimultes immune system to swallow viruses/bacterias. and it lowers stress.

So i just added a 1/8 inch slice of garlic per gallon, and let the fish stay there for about 2-3 hours...i havent proven this works,so i really dont know about it. I also dont know if garlic is toxic to fish, or not(well, mine didnt die)...but use at your own risk/until proven garlic s not toxic to fish..

but i guess it worked on my SAE or my SAE isnt sick of haemorhaggic infection.

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