Sad Trip To Petsmart...


New Member
Jun 15, 2009
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I was there to pick up some new things for my african dwarf frogs, and i walked over to see the frogs and it was so sad! They had maybe around seven or eight of them, TONS (guessing about 15) of these fish which is wrong, and then about four or five of the frogs were just dead lying on the bottom all in this little tank! I felt bad its like the bettas kept in those little tiny cup!! So i think i might go buy two or three of the poor frogs to keep in my 10 gallon which i recently bought, with the two ADFs i have now. I dont see how keeping fish in horrible conditions is allowed like that! geeze.... and its not only that one tank!
I was there to pick up some new things for my african dwarf frogs, and i walked over to see the frogs and it was so sad! They had maybe around seven or eight of them, TONS (guessing about 15) of these fish which is wrong, and then about four or five of the frogs were just dead lying on the bottom all in this little tank! I felt bad its like the bettas kept in those little tiny cup!! So i think i might go buy two or three of the poor frogs to keep in my 10 gallon which i recently bought, with the two ADFs i have now. I dont see how keeping fish in horrible conditions is allowed like that! geeze.... and its not only that one tank!
i know what your feeling right now. i know a pet store in my area that does that. i go down there once or twice a week and help him treat the tanks.
what type of frogs are these? ADF or ACF?

they are african dwarf frogs (ADF)
also i was there and they sell medium and large adfs? anyone know if they medium sizes are just younger adfs? I know they dont sell ACFs, they are illegal in my state
How big is medium and large in inches?

the large are still tiny, but about little more than an inch and the medium ones they sell for seem like an inch but are MUCH thinner than the larger ones. Could it be females, and males?
Quite possibly the colouration and dots are the way to tell they are fairly easy to sex.
Quite possibly the colouration and dots are the way to tell they are fairly easy to sex.

I was actually wondering which is male and which is female. One is a lighter color, when the other is a darker olive green color. I was thinking the lighter colored frog is the male but im not a 100% sure. Ive also thought that ive seen the little bump behind its arm, but its only there sometimes and it seems to disappear...
Bump is permanent are you sure your not just getting them mixed up, In a good environment the male will start breeding calls mine do it every night but the fish eat all the eggs.
I was there to pick up some new things for my african dwarf frogs, and i walked over to see the frogs and it was so sad! They had maybe around seven or eight of them, TONS (guessing about 15) of these fish which is wrong, and then about four or five of the frogs were just dead lying on the bottom all in this little tank! I felt bad its like the bettas kept in those little tiny cup!! So i think i might go buy two or three of the poor frogs to keep in my 10 gallon which i recently bought, with the two ADFs i have now. I dont see how keeping fish in horrible conditions is allowed like that! geeze.... and its not only that one tank!

I am never happy with petsmart. The one in my area always has dead or dying fish in their tanks. I can forgive seeing a couple but in one trip I at least counted 3 in every tank. And the girls working there were scooping up the goldfish into their hands like it was a game. Those poor fishies.

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