Sad, sad, sad...

If it didn't have the castle and bobbers taking up half the tank...........

To me a 3 Gallon tank isn't big enough for decorations unless it's really small fish, and even then.....
I feel sorry for any kid who buys that and wakes up one morning to a dead golfish...

It's funny how in the picture it doesn't look all that attractive
I have actually seen these things in the store!!!! It doesn't even have a filter (at least I didn't see one) and goldfish can be quite messy.
pnyklr3 said:
I have actually seen these things in the store!!!! It doesn't even have a filter (at least I didn't see one) and goldfish can be quite messy.
It says it has an undergravel filter... but still, that's just wrong :no:
lol... why bother putting fish in at all? it's got little 'bobble' fish 0.o That's the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Even feeder goldfish need more room than that -.-
Well, don't just sit there, do something. I sent them this email, if they ignore it, I'll go to and hopefully cost them a few customers.

My email:
I wish to bring to your attention that the Nickelodeon® Fairly OddParents 'goldfish bowl' you are selling online is not fit to be used for the purpose which you are advertising.

Goldfish need a bare minimum of 20 gallons PER FISH when juvenile.They easily reach a foot in length in the right environment, and can easily live for 20 years or more.
In the tiny container you are selling, they will live only a few months, and die a painful and slow death.

They are also very messy fish and therefore need heavy filtration, which the U/gravel filter supplied in the package does not provide.

As a retailer, especially a major and well known retailer, you have the moral obligation to 'lead by example', by providing products which do not harm the animal they are intended to care for, as well as promoting responsible pet ownership.

This product is clearly marketed for young children, and I find it reprehensible that anyone would cash in on the 'quirky cartoon' cuteness factor at the expense of animal welfare.

Unhappy on-line shopper
:D let us know how it goes! and whether or not petsmart has enough "morals" to care -_-
No, whole site is down for "maintenance", but maybe they will remove it. Although it's late night sunday in the US (early early morning some areas) so most likely nothing will happen till tomorrow sometime during "Normal Business Hours".

It would be cool to see one of the big pet stores stand up for Morals and Petsmart would be the one that might do it.
Yeah, the site is undergoing some maintenance.
I should've come earlier to see how bad that tank was.

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