Sad Day Today


Fish Crazy
Apr 10, 2009
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I woke up this morning to check on ''Pinchy'' my Blue Lobster, and give him his breakfast, however i couldn't find him anywhere. Checked EVERYWHERE. It is water change day anyway so i emptied half the water out, took everything out and he was not there. There is a 1cm gap at the back of the tank where he could have climbed out, thats the only thing that i can think of, but he was nearly 7 inches :huh: so i am completely stumped as to how he has got out. ANd to make things worse i only got him last week :( I really miss him already, he had a great personality he would love to climb to the top of my big piece of bogwood and then would sort of jump across and land on my cabomba, only to fall down slowly and then start scampering everywhere, he really was interesting and fun to watch. He is unfortunately probably dead now but....oh well. I am just completely confused. Ive looked evrywhere in the living room and kitchen and hallway. I am guessing it would be pretty impossible for him to make it up the stairs. Any idea on how fast these guys can move across the floor? just to give me an idea as to where he is.

Anyway just thought i would share, any help would be appreciated too. Has anybody had a similar experience?

R.I.P Pinchy 2009-2009 (wherever you are) :rip:

what tank was he in? where was he in your house? was he in a room where he couldnt get out? i dont know how long they can last without water but if you could find out then youd be able to estimate how far he could get, for all you know he may well be alive.....
Put a tub of water which he will be able to easily climb into in every corner of the room he escaped from and any connecting room place as many tubs as you can. He will find his way to water and they can survive out of water for 1-2 days normally and once dried out fully submerging can revive them. If he clambered out there is likely to be something wrong with the environment that you need to change.
Shudders at the thought of a lobster roaming the house, keep some shoes on whilst sleeping :lol:
I know, it is pretty creepy knowing there is a lobster on the loose :lol:

I have looked in every room and every place that it could have possibly got to. Also i have put lots of water tubs about, im hopeing he will come back :(
Sorry few more questions, does anybody know if they can climb while they are out of thewater, like up bed posts or wardrobes etc.. do you think he has gotten up the stairs? Also i have a little yorkie but i am not convinced she would even go near it let alone eat it, as the lobster is nearly bigger than she is :lol:

Thanks for the help folks, appreciated :good:
If the stairs are carpeted they can easily get up. If wooden and quite high (6+") then I doubt it

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