Sad, but expected


New Member
Jul 26, 2004
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Durham, NC
Hello everyone,

Again thanks for the info on removing the undergravel plates. I did this, vacummed the gravel, did a 40% water change. Unfortunately, I think the stress was too much for the female. Ever since I introduced her and the 2 males to the tank, the 1 male chased her around non-stop. And I think she was so stressed that the comotion, water cahnge, being bagged, with changing the UGF was too much. She wasn't floating though, but was on the bottom...does this mean anything???

Anyway, things are progressing along with the cycling...20-25% water changes every 2-3 days, daily monitoring of Ammonia, Nitrites and Nitrates and very limited feeding.

Thanks Terry! She was a sweet and lively little fishy, sad to lose her. I've never had an aquarium before, just dogs, but you do get attached to the little fellas. It's pretty cool.

Another quick you always have to add watrer to a bucket then add the dechlorinator, then add the water to the tank, or can you simply add the decholirnator directly to the aquarium as you're filling it directly from a python?

Thanks shadow.

It was a rookie mistake: two males to one female. I thought all were female...and the micky mouse platy male is really a big bully. I'm thinking of taking him out and giving him to a friend. I take comfort in the fact that she didn't die because of water quality or ammonia or parasites.



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