Fish Fanatic
Ok, I really don't like my LFS now. They are selling PAINTED Glass fish, that btw have lost their "paint" for the most part. And They sell sick fish and leave Tons of dead fish in tanks. I mean... the goldfish tank... the filter was Cover in Dead fish. We know the owners, small town. So mom wanted to get fish there because they are "so good to us". Can't argue, she was buying the fish. ANyway, So we get the 2 platties and 2 tetras, That night, Red platy starts acting funny, has bite mark on back and fungus on that due to the Bad water at LFS. Micky Mouse Platty appears to have really red gills, and is very light in color, not good looking at all. Tetras start swimming on side and Upside down in BAG! Tetras straighened out, but none have acted right since I got them. Well, so I treat for fungus, clears up spot on platty, this fungus cure clears up Swim bladder too, and says that swimming upside down is swimbladder disease. I know some disease but not that one. So fish seem to be ok... Though I knew that the orange/red platty was pregnant. Not planning on keeping babies because I don't have room, both platties are female. So, platty has 4 babies tonight that I could see, 1 got eaten by other platy,
So I watch to see how fish are and I notice white spots on micky platy tail, then spots on tetras and finally on red platy. Yep... Ick. Never had Ick before. All fish scratching and red platty seems very ill. I'ts midnight here when this happens. Can't do anything, am out of money, and am angry about the whole thing. Store can and will replace fish, and I am hoping to talk to them tomorrow. I wish we had gotten fish from Petco. They all looked so healthy and clean there.
Almost enough to make one give up on fish. I have no choice but to get replacment fish at lfs because they won't refund. Yes, I'm letting them know about the dying of fish. I doubt they even know. They mean well, but know much. They sold me a hatchling Red Eared Slider! Illegal size. Maybe next time mom will listen to me. Hate to tell her, but the Petco fish were also cheaper.
Any suggestions on what I should do? I know its not my water, everything there is fine. I'm not certain that the red platy will live through the night. She weak from giving birth and now has Ick... at least I think its Ick. I'll have to see what I can do tomorrow. ... later today, its 1:47 am. here.
If I lose the fish, what should I do before adding new ones? I mean, wouldn't the bacteria or whatever effect all the water? I have a heater and carbon filter going. Not sure how to get rid of bad stuff. Also... wouldn't treating a bacterial disease kill good bacteria too?? Does this mean more cycling? Does this mean I should scream?.... don't answer that one.
Almost enough to make one give up on fish. I have no choice but to get replacment fish at lfs because they won't refund. Yes, I'm letting them know about the dying of fish. I doubt they even know. They mean well, but know much. They sold me a hatchling Red Eared Slider! Illegal size. Maybe next time mom will listen to me. Hate to tell her, but the Petco fish were also cheaper.
Any suggestions on what I should do? I know its not my water, everything there is fine. I'm not certain that the red platy will live through the night. She weak from giving birth and now has Ick... at least I think its Ick. I'll have to see what I can do tomorrow. ... later today, its 1:47 am. here.
If I lose the fish, what should I do before adding new ones? I mean, wouldn't the bacteria or whatever effect all the water? I have a heater and carbon filter going. Not sure how to get rid of bad stuff. Also... wouldn't treating a bacterial disease kill good bacteria too?? Does this mean more cycling? Does this mean I should scream?.... don't answer that one.