SA Puffer (Colomesus asellus)


Cheer up, the worst is yet to come. ~ P. Johnson
Jul 31, 2004
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The Netherlands/UK
Saw them in my local fish shop today, and me being a sucker for all oddballs, i just gotta have them! (they also had arrowannas in and redbelly piranahs! they made my day!). Did a search on this forum and the only post I could find that would be helpful on size of the tank said you could keep 2 in a 10G. Just wanting to make sure this info is correct, and if it is, would I be able to pull off keeping 3 in a 15G?

I'm more than likely gonna take the risk and put them in my 40G, but as soon as I'll see any nibling I'll move them to their own tank that will be cycled already :)
Any input?
As they get to three inches, and are messy & quarrelsome, then 10g is far too small for two, and imo too small for one.

Puffers need very clean water and 10g would be very hard to maintain with the amont of waste & mess a puffer makes.

As for putting them in your community tank, it just amazes me that people keep trying this.

Time after time people say " SA Puffers are more peaceful" - true but they're still puffers

If you put them into your community tank, it's more than nipping, it's more than nibbling. There will be deaths

This is what happened to one of our Rummynose Tetras when we thought they'd be too fast and too big for Dwarf Puffers (also considered a more peaceful puffer, and a lot smaller than SAs) to harm.


Sorry to come on so strong, but this needs to be said. ;)
Believe me SirMinion, I KNOW what they can do. And if I would try it, I would most definatly keep a very close eye on it and make sure there's a tank they can be moved into right away. I'd also not lose my attention on it simply because he/she would be acting nice for months, I very well know that even after years of getting along fine they can turn "evil" as some would say.

Thanks for the info non the less though
Erised said:
I very well know that even after years of getting along fine they can turn "evil" as some would say.
Thanks for the info non the less though
You're very welcome.

To be honest, I posted that as much for other people considering puffers in their comminity tanks as for you.

Good luck with that, there are exceptions to the rule, let's hope you get them!

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