sa leaf fish


New Member
Dec 14, 2003
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how much would thy need to be fed and would they eat the larger tetras like black widwows and bleeding hearts also how often would they have to be fed and how much or many feeder fish
:huh: :huh: :huh:
Leaf fish are very greedy predators that can consume one fish half their own size daily. Larger tetras "should" be safe with them, i kept mine in a tank that had congo tetras and i had no problems from the leaf fish, that said from my experience with leaf fish i now feel that they should only be kept in a planted species tank or with just a few sedentry tankmates as they are easily spooked by fast swimming over active fish.
Its not a combination ive heard of but it could work as both fish share a need for the same water parameters and preffer a peacful life, id give it a go.
I would have to agree with stingray kid. Their mouth can stretch even longer then their mouth soggest. The prefer smaller fish then to larger fish. So your tetras should do just fine.

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