Ruptured/torn Stomach? Or Something Else?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern USA
So... this is a young female betta (around 1" long). She had some white clouds with her, but those were moved out maybe... a month ago.

Tank size: 7 gallon hex
pH: 6.0
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
tank temp: 76 degrees F

Water changes are infrequent, roughly monthly changes. Tank is heavily planted but without any additives of CO2 or fertilizers. There's some wisteria, some type of dwarf grass, java moss, java fern, frogbit. Substrate of fine yellow gravel/sand and then some pieces of Malaysian driftwood.
I've done nothing recently to the tank, asides from a moderate water change, maybe 10%.

I've been at college and normally have the tank with me, but did have it brought back home because I had so much stuff at my dorm room. My dad allegedly algae scraped my tank and didnt notice anything, but when I came home... she was gone. I didn't see her for 2 days, then proceeded to tear apart the tank - she was hiding under the wood.
Her back is badly crooked and couldn't swim properly, so I'm wondering if she suffered physical trauma there.

Either way, she's lethargic (probably because she can't swim) and won't eat (I've tried numerous foods, and held bloodworms up to her mouth - no avail). She stayed like this for a week.

Now... it looks like she's pooping out something bloody trapped in bloated whitish stuff. The stomach is also vaguely pineconeing because it's SO bloated....

What is this? Internal parasites? Ruptured physically? Is there some type of treatment I should do? I'm really biomedically minded, so hopefully I can do something?
You need to do a vacum and water change once a week not a month.
Bent spine can mean old age, internal parasites, to fish tb.
Check the anus to see if its enlarged or red and inflamed.
In the bloody area of the anus can you describe it more, does it look like mincemeat with white bits.
I know I need to do more frequent water changes. However, I mentioned once a month because that's how often my father does them, though I do it once a week roughly.

The anus is entirely ripped, from what I can see of it. That's what worries me most - infection of that? It is definitely red.

My concern is that the bent spine was so sudden, and I feel as if it were definitely linked to this occuring.

Should I start put some anti-fungal/anti-bacterial stuff in the water? If so, which one?
A bent spine and a red inflamed anus can be signs of internal parasites.
Does she look thin.
To be honest she far from saving if she looks really in a bad way the kindest thing to do is end her misery.
Being bloated can also be a sign of internal parasites.
Once scales stick out organ failure.
=/ Yeah, euthanasia was what I'm thinking. She's also developing cloudy eyes and has that dropsy-ish appearance. And she's totally emaciated, asides from her bursting tummy.

I think I'll do it tomorrow, unless... she magically perks up. Who knows. Bigger miracles have happened.
If the fish looks in pain I would end its misery, not nice but better than letting it suffer.
The large mass under her abdomen could easily be internal parasites from that pic. The only meds available to treat it in the UK have to be obtained from a vet. If she is in with other fish, you will have to wait for Wilder to perscribe meds to clear the infection, before you humanely euthanise her :sad: . If she is one her own, euthenise and then heat sterilise the tank before re-starting it

All the best
If she did have internal parasites the whole tank will need treating.
Its hard to say which med without knowing which parasite it was.
There wormer plus but it dosn't work on camallanous worms.

Sorry united states.
There quite a few meds like jungle products, and clout.
There this med which is meant to be good.
She is in her own seperate tank right now, but there were other fish in the tank with her earlier. None of them have shown any signs of this, but how would I go about making sure of that?

Are there any sites that might list the different types of internal parasites, so I can compare them and make an educated guess on which type to treat for?
Camallanous worms will look red when they have been feeding on the victims blood,
Thread worm and round worm can look like mincemeat with white bits protruding from the anus.
Signs of internal parasites are being skinny or bloated.
White stringy poo to clear mucas poo.
Enlarged or red inflamed anus.
Sometimes bent spine.

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