Runny nose tetras

Country joe

Mar 13, 2024
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I've now moved aquariums from 125 litres to 200 litres, I currently have, 6 black tetras, 10 Harlequins tetras, 10 neon tetras, 8 glowlight tetras, 4 ottos, and one thick lipped gourami, I'm thinking of putting in some Rummy nose tetras and maybe 6 dwarf Corrys, although not to bothered about adding the Corys, I was thinking of 6 rummy nose tetras or 10, do you think this amount of fish would be okay in a 200 litre tank.
What are the dimensions of the tank? That may be more important than the actual volume. (Depending on that …..).
To be honest, you may be better off increasing the number of fish in your small school of black tetras as well as any others, including the rasboras and Otto’s. For all of them, they act more naturally in larger groups.
By the way, they are ruMMynose tetras (any of 3 species in the hobby, with some more common than others).
Your aquarium is almost certainly too small. Rummy do best in a long aquarium - at least 48 inches long. The dwarf corys would be good but i would get more than 6 - maybe 18 and perhaps a few more of one of the tetra you have that you like.

If you want a new fish black neon have the advantage of generally being near the top of the aquarium but i think you have a lot of fishes in there already.
Sorry for incorrect spelling, don't know I did that, new tank 100 centimeters long, 40 cm wide, and 50 high, the reason I wanted the Rummy nose, is, I've had my present fish for nearly a year, and as its a new bigger tank, I wanted to try a fish I did not have, the Cory's I did mention, but not really bothered about them.
Sorry for incorrect spelling, don't know I did that, new tank 100 centimeters long, 40 cm wide, and 50 high, the reason I wanted the Rummy nose, is, I've had my present fish for nearly a year, and as its a new bigger tank, I wanted to try a fish I did not have, the Cory's I did mention, but not really bothered about them.
My presen filtration for this tank is, a Fluval 307 external filter.

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