Running on a freshly mowed lawn means...


Mar 16, 2005
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Central Minnesota
This past weekend I was tossing tennis balls for the pups out back after the hubby had just got done mowing. To my amusement, I realized the dogs' feet got stained green from running through the clippings LOL :D


Tommy "Like the newest fashion, Mom?"


Tasha "I need some sunglasses!"


"C'mon and throw the ball some more already!"
I love your dogs - they are so lovely and look so happy :wub:
POTM from me for your first pic of Tommy !
Thank you :). Of course, this is how it happens, though these are actually from earlier today when it stopped raining and the sun peeked out off and on for a bit! Action!




POTM for the 3rd pic down of the new three (Tasha :wub: ).
Incredible pic! :thumbs:

Both your dogs are absolutely beautiful! :wub:
Such beautiful dogs :wub: I agree with cc, the third pic down is wonderful :wub: Great action shots :thumbs:
cometcattle said:
POTM for the 3rd pic down of the new three (Tasha :wub: ).
Incredible pic! :thumbs:

Both your dogs are absolutely beautiful! :wub:
ill second it!beautiful dogs
Thank you for all the kind comments! That first picture of Tommy in the second set is a bit overexposed because the sun came out from behind a cloud just a moment before I snapped it, and the focus didn't have time to readjust to the new lighting. I do spend a lot of time trying to get nice action shots, but usually have about 50 missed or blurry shots for every 5 or 6 good ones :D. It's tough to get a good, clear, close up running shot!
LOVE the grass on the tongue.
That is hilarious.

They look like they have green socks on, too. lol

Those dogs look like they're healthy, happy and are very beautiful. :wub:
aw Jess, I love these pics of the T's!! you always get the best action shots.. They're such happy and active puppers! OMG :lol: was that grass yummy, Tommy? :p
Thanks so much! Everything is REALLY green right now because we keep getting so much rain. Hubby has to mow the lawn every 3 days to keep up! I do love watching them romp and play. Tommy has actually gotten pretty good at leaping and catching balls in the air, which I would have never thought he'd do well at because he's so large and always seemed a bit on the ungainly side. :p Next mission will be to get some jumping shots :D

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