Rummynose Tetra Dying


Fish Crazy
Jul 17, 2011
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I had 19 rummynose tetra in my RIO 400 but 2 have died in the last 2 days. They have no signs of disease and water conditions are good (PH 7.4, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 40, Temp 25)
The tank has only finished cycling before the weekend and I had introduced the Rummynose over this weekend. I am guessing its something to do with being a newly cycled tank :sad: is there anything I can do?

Only signs I have seen is the fish will stop saying with the shoal upto 12 hours before they pass and when they do they seem to have trouble staying upright a min or two before they go.

There is a 3rd one who appears not to be sticking with the shoal so getting worried about him.

Any advice?
if the tank was cycled correctly it wouldn't have anything to do with that.
How did you cycle the tank?

But it they are the perims the tank looks cycled....I don't know then sorry :/
if the tank was cycled correctly it wouldn't have anything to do with that.
How did you cycle the tank?

Fishless cycle add and wait method, there is a link to the log in my sig
this is my fear when i FINALLY add fish..maybe they were weak anyway when you bought them. what test kit you using again??
this is my fear when i FINALLY add fish..maybe they were weak anyway when you bought them. what test kit you using again??

Using API Master, but I also have a seachem PH and ammonia patches which match the api results
Were the Rummynose kept in different water parameters at their previous tank? For instance, after asking, I found that Maidenhead Aquatics in Fairoak keep the fish in RO water, which is much softer and acidic than Southampton's tap water.

Have you tried doing a 30-50% water change and seeing if the isolated fish behaves any better? If not, definitely worth a go.

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