Rummy Nose


Fish Addict
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Michigan - The Great Lake State
For quite some time now I've had my eyes on rummy noses to add to my tank that has cooper razboras in it. Yesterday I purchased 6 that looked pretty good at the LFS. Now that they have been it the tank for a day, their noses have really brightened more than I expected. :D I now wish I wouldn't have waited so long to add them. My aquarium has black substrate with a black background so their color really pops.

I plan on feeding them flake along with frozen brine shrimp and blood worms. I have also read that their nose is a good indicator of the condition of the water.

Do any of you have any experience with them?
No i personally dont, but i really want some but they so expensive! I also have heard that the brighter their noses are the more happy they are
i had some, i had to remove them as they were nipping my angels fins to bits. They were sent back to LFS, however if i didn't have angels i would have a tank full of these. They imo are the best schooling fish. :good:
they where £10 for 5. So about the same.
I also have 6, which cost my £11. They are deffo one of my fav types of fish in my community tank!
ive got 10 which cost me £20 and i think they are the best addition i have in the tank. i also have 1o neons and 10 gold tetras but am considering removing the neons and gold tetras and adding 20 more rummy noses.. they school all the time unlike the other tetras and look amazing. constantly active.
$7 australian dollars each at the most expencive store
$3.50 at the cheapest

not sure how much that is in the uk and usa

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