Rummy nose tetra bloated?


Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2019
Reaction score
New Orleans
I fed my fish frieze dried brine shrimp. After, I noticed one of my rummy nose was swimming and still eating scraps but would stop every few mins and just start to float tail up and then would swim right off like there was nothing wrong. What happened?
The fish has ingested too much air when it was eating and now has air in its intestine. It will fart the air out in a day and be back to normal.

Freeze dried foods should be soaked in water for a minute before feeding.

Try to vary the fish's diet with dry and frozen (but defrosted) foods.
The fish has ingested too much air when it was eating and now has air in its intestine. It will fart the air out in a day and be back to normal.

Freeze dried foods should be soaked in water for a minute before feeding.

Try to vary the fish's diet with dry and frozen (but defrosted) foods.
Ok so it will be fine? I feed 2 times a day once flakes the other freeze dried. Should I start feeding freeze dried once every other day?
The fish should be fine once the air comes out.

I would drop freeze dried foods for a week and feed frozen (but defrosted) foods every day instead. Then alternate frozen and freeze dried.
Try fast him for 2-3 days and feed him boiled deshelled pea, that should work.

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