Rummy Nose Tetra And Cardinal Tetra


New Member
May 11, 2011
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Hi guys. I was just wondering if anyone has witnessed the above display schooling behaviour together, or would they more likely form two small groups? I have 5 Rummy's at the moment, perhaps to be slightly increased, and was looking to add 5 Cardinals, again perhaps slightly increased if I thought it was working. I like the idea of the deep blue on the Cardinal as a contrast to the deep red on the Rummy's and the predominantly red Odessa Barbs, which fades to allow their yellow to show under my blue night light.
Personally i would just have a massive group of one or the other as i think a small shoal of each would detract from the effect.
Yeah, I'm considering having more Rummy's. Just thought it could be a nice effect if they'll swim together.
Schooling is a defence strategy. In threatening environments, different species may school up, but with what you've described, I doubt you will see much.
That's pretty much what I was expecting to hear, but it was worth asking the question. My Odessa are boisterous rather than threatening. So more Rummy's it is then as they seem very happy, and are generally hanging out pretty close together as it is. And obligingly they're tending to hang out towards the front where I can watch them. Jolly decent of them I say. :D

Thanks for the replies. :)
My rummynose and cardinals used to school together in my 30 gallon. I had 5 cardinals and 6 rummynose at the time, no other fish except catsfish. Since moving them to my 140 gallon I added more so that they in a group of 10 each. Now they school separately, sometimes breaking up the school to go on their own or in smaller groups.
ive got 12 rummynoses, and to be honest they just do their own thing. i might see 5 or so swimming together from time to time but ive got a planted tank so theres plenty of cover.
Thanks for the further replies. I've a feeling that adding more will probably make them feel more secure and if anything I may see less of a schooling effect than I have with the current 5, but they'll happy and healthy which is the main thing. I do love these little guys so I may up their numbers a little, then it's probably going to be Khuli's as cleaners (not sure how many but at least 3). Depending on how they behave (hide or active) will determine whether I have room for anything else, such a few Cardinal's for their blue colour.

Thanks again. :)

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