Rummy Nose Dead!


New Member
Dec 1, 2008
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hi all.
just got in from work and noticed one of my rummy nose dead. i had noticed yesterday and day before that the other two rummy nose,s who i suspect were male were chasing it/her and she was working hard to get away all the time. but today it/she has died.
i immediatelly removed her and done a test .
results were exactlly the same as always
ph 7.5
nitirite 0
nitrate 5
ammonia slighltly up from 0

done a 25% water change and turned the lights off (dont know why but i thought it may help with stress)
is there anything more i can do for the welfare of the rest of the tank mates ?
been watching them constantly and they all seem to be behaving properly with no funny behaviour.
i am a little worried as i only started this hobby 3 months ago.
all help appreciated
thanks in advance daniel
How high is the ammonia reading.
Was the plec bloated.
What do you feed your fish.
After a death in a tank just water changes for a few days.

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