Ruby Shaaaarkss


New Member
May 20, 2009
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My mate has just given me a black ruby shark to go in my tank. I already have a albino ruby shark in there already. What will happen if they are kept like this?

They keep like shaking against each other but im not sure what this means.

All help appreciated.
TBH the shaking sounds like a form of aggression. I've never managed to keep two rubies together or any combination of rubies or red-tail blacks. Also sharks and flying foxes tend to fight too! Best just to have one. See how you get on but the one already in there may not tolerate the newcomer. Look in the LFS at tanks of sharks and a lot have split fins due to constant fighting.
you can't keep them together. I have heard that you can in a extremely large tank where they don't see each other often and have lots of hiding places they can claim as there own. I end up with 3 in one tank once and I only have one now. Give him back trust me.
My mate has just given me a black ruby shark to go in my tank. I already have a albino ruby shark in there already. What will happen if they are kept like this?

They keep like shaking against each other but im not sure what this means.

All help appreciated.

probably not a good idea! say by by to one of them. they are not as bad as the RTBS though. you will, probably, need a tank of 80+ gallon, if you wish to keep both. and, unfortunately, 40 minimum for one.

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