Rubbernose plec


Fish Fanatic
Jul 29, 2004
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I'm going to start setting up a 20 US gallon tank soon, and I plan on using sandy substrate so my kuhli loaches will burrow. I want to put a small pleco in the tank as well. I was thinking about a rubbernose; they're cheap, small, and attractive. But when I read the profile for them, I saw that they prefer very large, rounded substrate. Is this a big enough problem for me to look for a different plec? Do you guys have any suggestions for other choices? I'm not going to change the substrate to large grain.

Everybody's going to suggest bristlenoses...I can feel it. :D
smithrc on here's got a community of L134 (Leopard Frog) Pleco's in a 120-litre tank with sand substrate, and they love it ;)

Only thing is that they're not great algae eaters, so if that's what you're after then you're best going with the BN's as you've already mentioned !!! :D
We have sand in our tank that contains over 20 plecs, including three rubbernose from two species. never had any problems.

Here's one of them.
Excellent! I'm glad to hear it.

Just out of curiosity, are there any other good small community plecs out there? I would want one that can live in a 20 US gallon tank, and eats at least a little algae.

I already know bristlenoses fit this perfectly. Any other suggestions?

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