i know i need to get another pleco. i saw rubberlips and upside catfish at my lps and was wondering about the both of them i pretty sure i need(should) to get the rubberlip but i want info on both thanks
Upside Down catfish (as in Synodontis nigriventris) are a mottled brown colour and grow to around 3-4" long. They should be kept in groups of 5+ to bring out their best behaviour, but be prepared to not see them a great deal as they can be very nocturnal. These are the catfish that continue swimming upsiude down into adulthood.
Be careful though, a number of lfs will sell any species of the Synondontis genus as Upside downs though most others grow larger and do not continue swimming upside down into adulthood (or at least not on the scale of S. nigriventris).
Alot of young synodontis will swim upside down but not as adults. Except Brachysynodontis who will do so all their lives. Not like the true upside downs as the brachies will swim both ways. One of mine frequently likes to rest upside down inside his big castle with his tail sticking out the top turret. Daft bugger. But he can see out of a small doorway and be nosey that way. The other rests mostly on his stomach so they do vary.
They also get alot bigger! Can reach 8" given time and a good diet. So be sureif you go foe one that it really is the true upside down or you'll end up with an enormous fish!
Rubberlips I can't really help with as I've not kept any personally.
Either way I would suggest checking out both species and make a decision afterwards.