Rubber-Nosed Pleco Behavior

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Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2004
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I just got a rubber-nosed pleco for my tank because all of my ottos kept dying. I got him/her because the guy at the lfs told me that they were really good at keeping the tank clean, and they don't get too big. I have a 10 gal tank. Well, my pleco keeps hiding, and I never see him come out or stick to the aquarium walls. He just keeps hiding inside a decoration so you can't see him. I don't know much about these. Is that normal? Will he come out after a few days?
He might just not like light or something like that. My common is the same way I almost never see him except at night. Hes perfectly fine. Thats what I think is with your rubber-nosed but it might be different because mines a common.
10 gallons ? So you have a Rubber Nosed Plec (that get's to arond 5 inches) - what else do you have ?

the lfs told me that they were really good at keeping the tank clean
The best thing to keep your tank clean, is YOU !

If your profile info is still correct, you are very overstocked and that's the reason your fish have been dying :/

1 male Black Sailfin Molly (Mr. Mac)
1 female Black Molly (Ms. Molly)
3 neons (Eenie, Meenie, & Mo)
1 male Guppy (Floyd)
1 Otto
1 Albino Cory

:no: you need to do something about the situation in your tank if you want to stop your fish dying. You may not know this, but Mollies can grow up to 5 ".

Guppies, Neons and Cories all need to be kept in shoals of 6 or more (to keep them happy - not just alive) - but you just don't have the space.

What is the size of your tank ?
I still have all those fish. Even one original Otto. Every Otto I've bought since keeps dying. I don't believe in the whole "too many fish" thing. My fish have all lasted for over 2 years now, plus multiple litters of babies that I've gotten to enjoy watching grow up. My question is about if rubber-nosed plecos hide all the time, or is mine abnormal? Should I be seeing him all the time, or do they normally hide? Can anyone help me with that question?
Stacey269 said:
I don't believe in the whole "too many fish" thing.
:no: good luck then - or rather to your fish - they will need it.
You seem like an irresponsible fishkeeper if you don't believe there is such a thing as too many fish :/

By the way - plecs hide - that's what plecs do.
Hi Stacey. Don't want to sound harsh but people believe in sensible rules for a reason. It is best to listen to people who know a lot about fish. That's what I do, they don't say things for no good reason! I personally cannot stand to see an overstocked tank. I have Mollies so I have to give some to lfs now and again or the tank would be stuffed with fish! Hope you sort things out. :)
Bloozoo you are being incredibly patronising, the only way you can help people is to HELP THEM, not patronise them.

The 10Gallon isnt overstocked AS IS, but add a pleco to that mix and it will be. Plecs shouldnt really be kept in anything under 20gallon tanks. They produce too much waste and always do better in larger water volumes.

OK, I do apologise if I came across patronising.

But hang on Bunji - Sailfin mollies - 5" (2 of them), I rubbernose plec 5" (1 of) - that's already 15" of fish in a 10 gallon. Those 3 fish alone are fairly heavy waste producers. Then you're not even speaking of the 1 Otto, the 1 Cory, the one guppy and the 3 neons ! Not even to mention the fry the mollies have been producing and growing up in that tank.

It's irresponsible not to point that out - I'm sorry if that came across in a patronising way, but if fish are dying in a 10 gallon tank, you have to wonder way.

It's not about keeping fish alive - it's being a responsible fishkeeper and providing the best environment for the fish to thrive in - not just survive.
I agree with bloozoo2. It is overstocked (and before anyone points it out yes so is my little tank but it's only temporary while the other tanks are still cycling damn them.) and that is why the ottos are dieing and sadly you may well lose more as yet. :(
Please don't think we're trying to be nasty. It's the welfare of the fish that we're concerned about. We all make mistakes, often not helped by some friendly guy at the lfs telling you 'you can put 25+ fish in that there tank with no probs.' :grr:
It may be the filter is struggling to keep up with the bioload and there may not be enough oxygen in the water for them all. That would effect bottom dwellers more then those happy near the surface.
Seriously consider either re-homing some or getting a larger tank. That way you and your fish can live happily and larger tanks are easier to keep good readings in. :thumbs:
without the pleco it is fine, i have seen much more heavily stocked tanks than this run very successfully. Unless the filtration is minute the tank will be fine. Picking apart tanks like this just gets pedantic. Ok so ottos need to be in groups ideally, as well as corys, but if they are healthy and are eating then forcing into buying more whilst overstocking your tank is pointless.

Stacy - I would just say take the plec back if you still can, and make sure that it will be re-introduced back into stock and NOT culled. If you can't be sure then give it to a friend or donate it to a local fish keeping society.

Try feeding your fish alot less and they will be forced to revert to a more natural diet. Both ottos and mollies eat algae, so if you feed less they should start to munch away on the algae, and then theres little need for a plec who will pottentially make the situation worse by adding to the ammonia levels of the tank.


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