Rubber Nose Plecs


Fish Crazy
Aug 14, 2005
Reaction score
Northwest England.
What colour should these be? Im sure when i got mine it was a grey colour, however when it comes out ti looks brown with a gold dusting to it. Is this normal? My BN plec has a similar gold effect to it too.
hmm...look into velvet. maybe the cause of this gold dusting.
Maybe it is your lights, or maybe it is light or the like bouncing off objects and plants in your aquarium :unsure: Anyways, what fish look like at the pet stores and what they look like in your tank differ over time. In your tank, if properly set up and well maintained, show their colors better.
To be on the safe side i have added some velvet treatment, normaly the plec will only come out once the lights are out but now its out all the time on the filter system right next to the outlet so the water is rushing past it. Had a close look at it today and gold effect looks like little micro hairs.
To be on the safe side i have added some velvet treatment, normaly the plec will only come out once the lights are out but now its out all the time on the filter system right next to the outlet so the water is rushing past it. Had a close look at it today and gold effect looks like little micro hairs.

my bulldog plec is as grey as grey can get. I agree, check your lights and surrounding decor.
OK from now on do not add meds "just in case". Medicating is hard on the fish and you should try to be as sure as you can that you are treating the right thing. gold dusting is a common symptom of velvet but that doesn't mean your fish neccessarily had velvet. I'm sorry I should have said that in my post. I don't think i should say I hope i was right so I'll say I hope your fish are just fine after the treatment. It should be ok...just try to make sure next time.
most fish will have a shine to them if caught in the right light...

I think this piccy shows what i mean


also this one


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