I saw a tank of Rubber aka Bulldog plecos at one of my chain stores. The not so good store. Funny how one big chain store takes such awful care of their fish. But their enemy down the street has great fish. Sorry about my rant. But I was horrified at how they "cleaned" the tanks.... They just scrubbed the sides down and did not vacuum out the junk on the bottom of the tank. It was just full of nasty turned up water. The people that work there know NOTHING about fish, or how to care for them. They had an Oscar that had a BAD case of Hole in the head out on display I could not believe it. Not to mention all the other died fish.
Sorry... Needless to say I just bought some bogwood and would never get a fish from them. I went to the good pet store. I picked up a female bristle nose. She is the best. She went right to work cleaning and exploring. I also have a clown pleco that just sits around and looks pretty. The 2 are getting along just fine.
You Rubbernose or I like to call them Bulldog pleco will be fine with your other fish. Just remember these guys can get territorial toward other plecos. Give them lots of places to hide and enough room and 2 will be fine together. Don't forget bogwood or drift wood is something the love and need to stay happy.
Oh yes and they are good algae cleaners with the largest mouths.