Rubber Nose Aka Bulldog Pleco L187b


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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I'm thinking of getting a rubber nose pleco or a L034, Medusa Pleco.

Here is the tank set up.

Planted 55 gal with rock pile for hiding and wood
blue acara pair
8 red eye tetras
Maybe 5 cory cats. But if I have 2 plecos I would leave the corys out.
And what pleco to get???

I have read that the rubber nose can be hard to feed due to it not taking algae wafers. I want an active interesting looking pleco that will do some cleaning.

Could I have them both maybe?

I would really like to hear about people experience with the rubber nose pleco or Medusa?

Bulldog plecos aren't particular picky and will usually eat algae as well as frozen and live foods, They generally will also accept algae wafers and other dried foods IME

Either the bulldog or medusa (or any common ancistrus species for that matter) would be a good choice for an algae eater.
in a 55G you could have one of each IMO
I'm going to check my LFS to see if the medusa is still there. Its been a week so I think it's gone but maybe not because they are ugly looking to most people. It is fish ordering day so maybe they can order me one. The more research I do on the medusa the more I like them and the more they grow on me.

I think I will get a rubber nose too but later.

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