Rubber-lipped Plec


Fish Aficionado
Sep 25, 2003
Reaction score
Max size?
Aggressive against other plecs? other fish? both?
No or a little tolerance to salt?
Minimum suggested size?
Nope, I did not check it out, but I did not think that all of those questions would be answered. :p

Questions left unanswered:
salt tolerance
aggressiveness when kept with other plecs (different or same species)
size: there seemed to be a difference of opinions on the size...
I've heard them being territorial to their own kind and even to other plecos when they're adult. That's second hand info though; someone will probably pipe in with their personal experience.
I've heard them being territorial to their own kind and even to other plecos when they're adult. That's second hand info though; someone will probably pipe in with their personal experience.
100% accurate. I have two rubberlips one was a 1.5-2" other is about a 3"+. The 1.5-2" rubberlip has not grown in over 4 months and gets harassed constintly if wafers are dropped into tank and smaller one tries to get a bite. They do not mix well in my eperience what so ever. I will be moving the smaller to a new tank soon and adding a BN to go with the larger. Lets see him bully around a 5"+ BN plec haha
Ok. That's one question down. :p

Suggestion for anyone with the power to do so: ammend the index for the territoriality thing?

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