Rubber Lip Plecos


Fish Crazy
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Northern California (Redding)
I have just entered into the realm of owning more one type of pleco. I have a 55gal(US) tank that is a year old, and I have to say unfortunately I lost my beloved BGK after having it for 8 months. I needed to add fish to help ease the pain, so I picked up these 2. I have 2 "rubber lip plecos" they are both about 2 inches long. One is a dark olive drab and has dark brown cheveron strippes while the other is lighter colored, still has the cheveron pattern but is also white dots all over it (no it isn't ick). Now to the questions, Are there different colorations in the same species? Are they two different types of "rubber lips"? Did I buy a male and female? Two males? Two females? And if so, if they breed, any suggestions on seperating the fry. I know keeping fry isn't a good idea, because I have congo tetras and dwarf gouramis in the same tank, and really have nowhere else to keep them. I know without pictures it is difficult to identify but my discription of them is right one so if anyone out there has an answer....Thank you.

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