Rubber lip pleco fry (singular)!

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Jan 26, 2021
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I am astonished because from anything I have read they are not really meant to breed and the tank set up is not ideal

I was changing a tank around and I moved my two quite large rubber lip pleco into my hospital tank at the beginning of the summer. It is 60 litres and I put a bit of sand and gravel in a small piece of drift wood some plants, floating ones as well and a small sponge filter, internal filter and a heater set for 20

It just sits on the kitchen surface and has been there for too many months because all summer I have been shifting fish. First it had some corydoras in it with the plecos because I was giving a few away to reduce numbers. Then it had of all things goldfish fry in it because I had to fish them out an over grown tank where they had survived and were shredding the adults fins. Then I used it to try and save a dwarf gourami which was ill and medicated the tank. Finally after a good water change and clean I used it as a holding tank for a few weeks to check the health of come endlers before adding them to a community tank

Don't worry my goldfish are not in the community tank!

However I was moving the endlers today and I found what I swear is a rubber lip fry. It is clinging to the glass like the adults. It has the same mouth and fin shape

I will try to get a photo however what an amazing unlikely find in a not idea set up. Tank has lots of mulm in it so maybe that helped. But how has it survived such a range of tank mates?

I will try to get a photo
Very cool! :D Hope you can get a photo, I'd love to see the little survivor! I'm guessing he survived by wedging himself under a piece of driftwood most of the time, and being faster than his siblings at escaping the other fish... and that's why he's the one left! Funny though, I wonder where the eggs were laid? I would ask how you didn't spot the dad guarding the eggs, but I often don't see my plecos for a while, they're excellent at hiding, and I'm happy when I spot a pleco tail, so I'm sure I wouldn't realise one was guarding eggs either!
Congratulations! Plecos are fantastic at hiding, so if any fry would survive a community tank I wouldn’t be surprised it was a pleco 😊
I got pictures! Not very good pictures but if you zoom in you can see. The fry is on the back of the filter in the last three pictures. I have included a picture of the adults and a shot showing a bit of the tank and trying to get an adult in profile

I am afraid I can say nothing about this fish breeding habits or anything even remotely useful for anyone who wants to try

Maybe the male watched the eggs under the drift wood. It is such a small tank that I do see these plecos all the time and I didn't notice any unusual activity

As to the surviving fry given the range of tank mates it has had who would eat it I do wonder if maybe the heater guard helped it survive? Acting almost like a breeding box?

I am now seriously tempted to sue an empty 3 foot long tank I have to set up a rubber lip plec specific tank since I know this is a can breed pair

Hmmm can I fit another tank in my house? Always. I do suffer from multi tank syndrome!


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Fish are so hard to photograph!

Here is a zoomed in one. It is definitely a pleco and the rubber lip are the only possible parents

I have had a bit of a run on fry. The corydoras breed like crazy and there are three dwarf gourami suriving in the community tank. That is in spite of endlers and cardinal tetras. They are nearly two cm now and I guess past eating stage. Going to be interesting to see who the parents are because there are two neon blues and two flame dwarf gouramis in there. I know the neons are a male and a female but not sure about the flame

However super pleased about this rubber lip because genuinely very little info on the internet about them


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