Rubber Anemone Plants...


New Member
Jun 9, 2006
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I purchased a small ornament to go along with the fake grass plants in my 5.5 gallon tank housing JJ, my male betta. The ornament is a small rock with 4 small rubber anemonies attached to it with lots of tentacles. I was hoping the betta would like it, use it maybe to rest his fins on, hide in, or sit on top of... However, JJ doesn't seem too interested in it, and when he does approach it, attempts to bite the tentacles. He has been unsuccessful at eating the rubber tentacles, but I want to know if this will harm him? He has been trying to eat the rubber tentacles throughout the day. Should I be worried?


Edit -- This is what it looks like.

I really don't think a betta can tear apart a rubber ornament, but if he's flaring at it constantly, I'd suggest taking it out, as too much flaring will exhaust him. Silly betta. :)
I think it'll be fine just as long as he doesnt flare at it constantly, Also i like your use of marbles in his tank, very creative :good:
Yeah, I know anemones aren't freshwater, but I just liked the way it looked, and it's hard to find soft ornaments that won't ruin the bettas fins. As for the marbles, I added them in hopes the betta might play with them or roll them around, but in finding that he could care less I just added them for decorative purposes. :fun:
in my lfs they have these.. proper big ones like 15 cm high. Only £5 too, if only i wasnt giving up fishkeeping


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