Rts Wont Let The New Jack Dempsey Out Of His Rock.....


Fish Fanatic
Oct 28, 2006
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Phoenix Arizona
With a tank full of cichlids one would think the RTS would be the least of the problems, he dosent seem to like the new jack this time and mercessily torpedos him every chance he gets, he is also chasing the melanochromis auratus all over the place now too. Weird? Yeah, but true, any proven idea's on calming Red Tail Shark behavior?
Well I wish I could help but I had exactly the same problem with my RTS. I had a tank when I was younger with south America and African Cichlids together(I didnt know any better), and my red tail kept my jack inthe top right corner all the time and the africans just stayed in the rock, I had to get pass him on to someone else cause you cant change a fishes mind.
I never cease to get a chuckle out of all the web sources on tropical fish that clain RTS arent that agressive lol
Man Im gonna have to do something, this is really sad, I just fed the little guys and every time the poor jack would come out to eat, there was the rts waiting to nail him:(

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