Mar 17, 2005
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One of my freinds is going to uni within the next couple of months and is having to sell/rehome all of his fish, one of which in partcular is a rtbs.
I've already sort of agreed to take his 10inch common plec off him if i get my 200gal by the time he has to move out and im already taking his guppys, he has a 5-6inch rtbs that is living in a community tank with some swordtails and a common plec that i would like to take off him too but i was wondering its true ability to fit into a community tank.

The 200gal tank i am getting(positivly in early august now, no doubts at all) is just going to have my current 2 common and 1 sailfin plecs in and various livebearers, corys and some khuli loachs and armoured shrimp- would a rtbs be able to fit nicely into this kind of community tank?
I don't want to take any risks with a fish "that has a tendancy to be nippy" or "may get slightly terotorial when older", i just don't like taking risks with fish, especially with their tankmates.
The rtbs is currently doing well in my friends tank and never seems to show any agression when i come over to his place but then again, i don't go over and see it much.

Is their any fish in particular these fish do not do well with or anyone with experience in handling these fish and their veiw on their behavior in community tanks?

Thanks for your time :)
I did have a RTBS a while back and he was great for ages then...all hell broke loose. He would chase everything in the tank and at one point managed to catch hold of one of my clown loaches (they were about 2.5 ins at the time) and very nearly killed it! Needless to say mr RTBS has gone. Others have said they have had no problems but I won't get another :(
RTB's are creatures of personality....Some can be docile and be kept with almost anything..Whereas some are just to tempered to be trusted. I found that mine did better in a semi-aggressive tank compared to a peaceful community...Make sure there is plenty of plants/bogwood/rocks etc to break up territorys and line of sight and you might be alright...And as youve probably heard, most become more aggressive with size/age.

I have mine with 5skunk loaches / 8 Zebra danios and 1 rhino plec with no problems at all.
Hmm...Im not so sure about getting my friends rtbs now, i don't realy want somthing that could go out of control when older...I have some tanks that are going to be empty when i move house, would a 30gal tank be ok for a rtbs?
SHould be ok...but no less than that...Take in mind that with a smaller tank there is a lack of territory and it may just increase the potential of havin a big bully. But you'll never really be able to tell until you get him...If you defiantely get a 200gal then i cant see any problems...thats plenty of room for him to establish a nice chunk of land for himself.
Yep but the 200gal tank is going to have 2-3 common plecs and a sailfin in it, so...I have 2 30gal tanks- one is a hex tank and is more tall than long and the other is a 3ft long tank by 1ft wide and high- which would be best for the rtbs?
I don't mind just having a couple of corys with the rtbs, with the 200gal tank its going to be taking up so much time maintaining it my other tanks are just going to be used as a fry and quarentine tank and the others will just have one or 2 fish in them or not be used at all.

Oh, and thanks for all your help and info too :) !
if he has been in your friends tank for a while and hasnt caised trouble he might be ok, but weith the stress of the move this may cause him to kick off. IMO all fish have personalites and even though experts say you cant keep x with y as x will nip at y, i think its just the fishes perosnalilty. i would say take him and then see how he behaves if he causes trouble move him or rehome him.

i have a 3 inch RTS and he was a bit agressive at first but has setlled down.
My RTBS is fully grown and has always been my favourite fish. The only fish it has been aggressive towards (and then only the odd lap round the tank to see them off) were clown loaches. I think that in a big tank, without any fish of the same shape (i.e. clown loaches), you should be OK. Mine is currently in with a pair of Blue Rams and I don't think they have even awknowledged one another.

I have only ever had one RTBS so I can't say for certain but I think that either:

a ) Their reputation is a little unfair

b ) They live up to their reputation if kept in the WRONG community (small tank with similar shaped fish)


c ) I have a remarkably chilled RTBS

Probably a combination of the three really.
I really wouldn't worry about the plecs (if you were) they are armour-plated and not scared of a little shark. Especially once they are 3 times as large. If anything they may help keep him in check as he won't be the largest fish in the tank.

I agree with digital_run. In a 200 gal there is plenty of room to establish territory and for others to keep out of his way (so long as the tank isn't bare...)
RTBS are like cichlids and bettas,
you never know their personality, they're never the same.

But if you really don't want it,
I say take it, then on your way home from taking it, stop by the LFS and trade it in for something else like plants or other fish :D

Thanks for all the advice everyone :) , i think i may try putting it in the big tank when i get it(hopefully early august) and see how he does- i suppose i've always got some spare 30gal tanks if he doesn't do well with the other fish as a back up :thumbs:

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