
Sleepy Chook
Dec 13, 2003
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Sleeping Somewhere. Or doing water changes. Or run
I added my new RTBS and 4 Aulonocara into the 75gall today....I was worried about the other fish since the Aulonocara are so mich bigger than the other fish...all is good...the small EYs put them in their place straight away....

The RTBS now thinks it is a clown loach....it is schooling with he clown loaches and is totally uninterested in the other fish in the tank...a lot like the clown loaches...it is rather entertaining to watch an inch long shark trail behind 3 3-inch long clown loaches....:p
My local Ifs has a 7' tank with about 5 clown loaches....each over 4" and a 3" RTB who just follows them around all the time...I make a point of going to see if they are all there, everytime i go back....If i had the tank space i'd buy the whole tank worth.......oh and some pics would be nice :p
I was actually at my local zoo the other day, now i didnt know they housed some tropical fish there, but i was shock the most to see a RTBS that was over 5 inches long, i had to check three times, but i wasnt seeing things, the RTBS was huge! and to top it all, it was in a take that was 4 foot by 2 foot by 1 foot, swimming with smaller fish, it is the biggest one i ever seen, i have seen some big clown loaches, but this thing sorta out matched the ones in the tank with it...

But otherwise i had a situation like your mate with my old RTBS, but he thought he was a neon insted and schooled with them, he was three times their size, but he went around acting as if he was one...

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