I noticed about a week ago that my RTBS was acting a little oddly. Every so often he rolls. The other day he let himself "drop" to the gravel. I haven't noticed any "rubbing or scratching". I just tested my water. Ammonia not present, Nitrite .1, kh 30mg/litre, gh moderately hard, pH 7.4.
20 gallon planted tank. 1 Gold Gourami, 4 bronze corys, 5 blue neon tetra's, 11 black neon tetras and a glowlight tetra. Have been living in harmony since at least January. Water changes weekly. Shark is about 3 inches long now and I've had him about 18 months.
Any experience experts willing to chime in please do . . .
20 gallon planted tank. 1 Gold Gourami, 4 bronze corys, 5 blue neon tetra's, 11 black neon tetras and a glowlight tetra. Have been living in harmony since at least January. Water changes weekly. Shark is about 3 inches long now and I've had him about 18 months.
Any experience experts willing to chime in please do . . .