rtbs with...

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Jul 26, 2004
Reaction score
Gloucester (England)
Ive been given the chance of getting a free dwarf cichlid and killifish, but im not sure if it'l be ok with my rtbs?

The other fish i have in the tank are, catfish... ie plecs n corys and oto's, cherry barbs, neons.

Will they be ok, or will there be some fighting etc?

Hiya, I'm no expert but my daughter recently got some dwarf cichlids and her red-finned shark chases them. She is giving the shark to me as I have a tank with bigger fish (bala shark and cigar sharks). I think it depends on the personality of your shark, some chase some don't.
i see from your profile that you have a 20 gallon. Not ideally big enough for a rtbs anyway. I had one in my 20 gallon years ago. He was fine, but did bully my cories a bit.

I would personally say no purely on your stocking levels. I dont know much about plecs except I keep seeing people say they grow huge. You have 3 already. The rtbs grows to 10cm if my memory serves me right. And you have shoaling fish that ...well arent in shoals.
Fraid you need to sort out the fish you have before you think about getting any more and more the shark to a tank at least twice the size. They get to about 13cm when fully grown.

And no I would advise strongly against keeping a dwarf cichlid with your shark,
Yeh, i agree my tank is quite full at the moment, but all my fish are generally quite small at the moment and very shortly im going to be upgrading to a 40-60gallon tank for them.

Thanks for the advice with the shark, generally hes really quiet and doesn't bother any fish unless they attempt to raid his little home. He hasnt bit any fish he just chases them until they leave his home alone.
If the shark is small, you need to bear in mind that it will get more aggressive as it gets older.

very shortly im going to be upgrading to a 40-60gallon tank for them.

I think we're ALL on the verge of getting another / bigger tank! :fun:

IMO you should wait until you actually have the tank before adding any more fish.

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