rtbs feeding question


Fish Fanatic
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
NS, Canada

As most of you already know, I have a 40 gal. tank with a rtbs, neon tetras, danios, and a white cloud mountain minnow. I was wondering, If all I feed the fish is flakes, what is the shark eating? I have had him for about 2 years, so he must be eating something. He is growing, so I know he is eating good.

Some suggestions of what to feed him would be great. I have no idea :dunno:

P.S. my tank is not a planted tank.
well the red tail black shark is a Omnivorous.. so it eats vegetable foods..
it would be eating your flakes.. try feeding it some zuccini, broccoli or lettace?? see if it is tempted..
just way it down with some rocks at the bottom of the tank.. i noe my bn's love there lettace and zuccini!!


Flaked food is excellent source for vitamins and has all the nutrients and has been prepared as well balanced menu. Hey! who wants to always eat what's good for them?
Fish are the same, give them something out of the ordinary as a treat. Something like fresh or frozen bloodworm or daphnia or glassworm. Something different. If the food is live they will enjoy the chase, remember to drain off the excess water the food comes in before pouring the contents into the tank, otherwise you could contaminate the tank water. Greens as above is ideal, but must not be left in the tank otherwise it will decompose increasing the nitrite levels. Try your lfs for blister packs of frozen food. Chose the type of food that is suitable for your fish. It's no good giving your rtbs lance fish food or mussels !!!
Use your common sense.
r0b3y said:
well the red tail black shark is a Omnivorous.. so it eats vegetable foods..
it would be eating your flakes.. try feeding it some zuccini, broccoli or lettace?? see if it is tempted..
just way it down with some rocks at the bottom of the tank.. i noe my bn's love there lettace and zuccini!!


Omnivorous animals eat animal and plant matter :nod: , just thought I'd let you know.

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