Rtbs+30g+more Fish=?


Fish Aficionado
May 16, 2004
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Southern U.S.
I am upgrading my tanks and the current Clown Loach occupants of one of the 30's are rehoming to a larger tank but the meanie he is, the RTBS can't go so he's staying behind. What would be some good cohabitants besides Gourami and Clowns? I've heard Rainbow fish but not specifically what species, numbers, etc. what other fish will be able to withstand a slightly moody shark?
imo dither fish would be your best bet. danio are very quick and hardy. Or maybe go with some cherry barbs. Depending on how ''moody'' your rtbs is, pick fish who exist from the middle to top of the tank, you dont want anyone else competing at the bottom where your rtbs is. Good luck and let us know what you decide. Cheers.
Hmm, Zebra Danios or Cherry Barbs I hadn't thought of. I have been debating getting both. I've never kept either though ironically both are among the most popular fish kept. The shark is usually only aggressive during feeding time, but against the Clowns, he has to be. I could do with some more active, "flashy" fish as this is a kind of display tank in the foyer right near the front door. Good suggestions, thanks. :D

Other suggestions still welcome though. :)
My biased 2c: I cannot comment on RTBS, but I'd consider Brilliant (or Red Tail) Rasboras as a better choice than Zebras in most cases. They are about the same size, imho prettier, also hardy, and better behaved than Zebras---no chasing or ripped fins..
(I have them as the background fish in two tanks.).
Danios and Tetras are your best bet, i have a reasonably agressive rtbs, the danios are fien because they are very fast fish and the tetras he doesn't bother- corys and small plecs are also quite good with rtbs :nod: :thumbs: .
Are they? The main reason the RTBS isn't going in the 55 is because of the number of Cories I'll be putting in it.
Yeah my rtbs doesn't touch the corys, the only fish that gets on its nerves are the mid to top dwelling fish bigger than tetra size, when im getting my next big tank im moving the rtbs out asap as it hassles my guppys and big molly too much.
Rtbs vary a huge amount in personality though as you've probably guessed, all i know is mine is cool with the corys, it may be worth seeing how yours reacts to corys..?
If he gets along, then that'd be great. I would have a second 30g open to plan my next project. I'll have to give it a try and see how it works. It'll take time to do all the change overs so I can see how he'll behave as things move along.

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