Rspca Cat


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2007
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hi all, im soooo excited we went to the cats protection today and the rspca and we spotted her, as soon as i saw her i knew she would be coming home with me.... a gorgeous black and white what we thought was a kitten, only to be told she gave birth to kittens but none of them made it, the rspca have no records of her age, but she looks so young we named her jess before we said yes to having her, the fella let me into her pen and she was very shy but after 2 mins she was trying to get into my bag lol she is so cute, she has to stay there as she is been neutered and microchipped next tuesday and we can pick her up on wednesday im really excited although a bit nervous as i've never owned a cat before always dogs but we're all new to something at some stage in our lives so im sure i will be fine i will post pics as soon as, just wanted to share my excitment with you all :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
oh nice 1, cats can have their first lot of kittens before they are 1 year old, so she may still only be a kitten herself.
we've had cats & i find them so much more easier than dogs to look after, good luck with her & can't wait to see pics
oh nice 1, cats can have their first lot of kittens before they are 1 year old, so she may still only be a kitten herself.
we've had cats & i find them so much more easier than dogs to look after, good luck with her & can't wait to see pics

wow really that young? i didnt know that, thanks trace1,
i will hopefully find out when we pick her up how old she is,
i will keep u informed and update with pics soon :good: :hyper: :good:
Cats are amazing and normally don't need anything put a cat flap and food and drink, very independent and thrive with lots of garden. (We have a small garden but we back onto my school field so they can run about on there.)
I have had two cats cats from the RSPCA. Bill was with me just over 5 years his owner had died and he was very old no teath etc but he and I enjoyed those days together.

I now have Bingo he too Rspca from South Ridge and he keeps bringing hios friends to me too.

He does make me very happy.

I hope you enjoy your cat, give it time to settle.

I believe they pay you tenfold even if I do scream at him as he knocks the letter box to get me up in the night.

i had him neutered and tagged as they can go away. I'd try and keep yours in a few days but don't worry they usually soon come back.

have fun

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