i bought a 5 gall. tank there for $36. it didnt come w/anything so i had 2 buy at that stuff, heater, etc. it came to like $73 all together. At walmart i saw a tank, the same brand, 10 gall, and it came w/everything. It was only $29.99!! Thats less then half! (i think,lol) im soooooo mad!!! and the tank i have now leaks, the filter has to be on low or it overflows and it cant be all they way full it will overflow, the filter. and my mom wont let me return the 5 gall. and get the 10 gall. IM SO MAD ABOUT THAT!!!!!! my poor fishies.
there all really tiny so i guess they can live there but i dont think its good for them like that.