
Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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i bought a 5 gall. tank there for $36. it didnt come w/anything so i had 2 buy at that stuff, heater, etc. it came to like $73 all together. At walmart i saw a tank, the same brand, 10 gall, and it came w/everything. It was only $29.99!! Thats less then half! (i think,lol) im soooooo mad!!! and the tank i have now leaks, the filter has to be on low or it overflows and it cant be all they way full it will overflow, the filter. and my mom wont let me return the 5 gall. and get the 10 gall. IM SO MAD ABOUT THAT!!!!!! my poor fishies. :sad: there all really tiny so i guess they can live there but i dont think its good for them like that.
that sux!
tell your mom the tank is broken
tell her if she wants to keep her carpets you'll have to return it! :lol:
why would she care anyways?
you'd save some money and get a better quality tank :dunno:
tell her you love her and give her flowers :rofl:
maybe she'll let you then? ;)

does she just not want you to get a bigger tank or does she just think its an inconvenience?

a few more questions,
did you just buy your fish in the same day as the tank?
and, what fish do you have?
of they are too big you could use that as a weapon on your mom :lol:
nope, 2 weeks later. i have 2 platys and 2 guppys. i have other fish, but therir mean so im returning them,lol. oh, actually i think im keeping 1 molly, its a bum tail so its nice. and their all females, except for 1 male guppy.
she thinks its an inconvinence, it always takes so long 2 return stuff at petsmart. she doesnt like the fish stuff every weekend she says. lol, i would it myself but she wont let me use her car.
she says its obsesive and it never stops. she doent care at all. she says live w/the choice that u made 2 get it. she doesnt believe me that it leaks. she thinks i make it leak on purpose. like i want 2 clean that up all the time. she gets me so mad!!!!!!!! she thinks ill want 2 return the 10 gall one as well. i know i wont. i just want my wasted money back!
wrs said:
nope, 2 weeks later. i have 2 platys and 2 guppys. i have other fish, but therir mean so im returning them,lol. oh, actually i think im keeping 1 molly, its a bum tail so its nice. and their all females, except for 1 male guppy.
sounds good,
except mollies can be territorial if kept in such a small tank
they get adgitated over time
tell your mom thats too many fish for a 5 gallon!
all the fish you have would fit nicely in a 10 gallon with a pair of cory catfish
you could buy them with some of the money you saved
but you really shouldn't keep all of those fish in a dinky 5 gallon :X
its a long 5 gallon. she should let me do that. i do so many things w/her and 4 her. it really pisses me off. it would take 5 mins to buy the tank, and maybe 5 more to return it. she doesnt care at all. and the guppy and 1 platy are pregnate. what am i supposed 2 do w/all the babys in a 5 gallon tank. the person said it was 10! they lied!!! its not my fault!!!!!!!!! RRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! lol.
5 gal for 36?! that's insane, and I've never seen price hijacking like that at my closest PetsMart. Now I paid close to your total bill for my 10g at my lfs, but I bought a Tronic heater, 2 bulbs, 2 fish, a tank divider, and an aquatic plant - and of course this place can't compete with WalMart for prices ...

but anyway that's outrageous and you have every right to complain and get a refund! Besides, I think your mom is either totally lazy or completely paranoid, and you should take up smoking crack and give all the fish and stuff away and tell her that she was right *extreme sarcasm* :p
Seriously, see if a neighbor or friend would do you the courtesy of taking you to PetsMart. I'm so sorry to hear that you're having a hard time righting this terrible fiasco.

GL - we're pulling for you B)
wow that is way to over priced. my mom is the same way all she says is to go when she is at jewl (a pet store is right next to it).

At one of our lfs they have a plastic 5 galon w/ a eclipse hood for 100 dollar canadian
I think I got the tank from walmart you are talking about... it was $30 and it came with a trial of aquasafe and fish food and the hood lamp with lightbulbs and the filter and everything.. it was a starters kit.. we bought two at once... one for me and one for my sister... what a steal :)
Ah life lessons.

Shopping a little before you buy things is definitely something that comes harder to some of us than others.

I can't tell you how many times when I was younger that I ran out and bought too quickly without shopping around enough. You are almost always going to be disappointed if you aren't a careful consumer.
for 36 dollars you can buy a much larger tank then 5 gal even at petsmart. Or did you buy an acrylic tank?
i think its acrylic, im not sure though. my mom has alot of stress about her mom. shes really sick and has been in the hospital for 5 weeks. shes not lazy or paranoid, just stressed. i look around all over for a tank and this was the cheapest 1 at the time. the walmart i saw it in was a "hood" walmart, so 2 speak. lol. i think w/my great chemistry grade shell let me get the new tank. id like 2 get 1 4 me and 1 for my brother. my dad says he wants 2 put the tank in the basement room so 2 would beable 2 fit their so we could each have our own fish.

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