It doesn't really matter, the answer to this. Aquarists aren't reliably able to tell these fish apart, according to catfish systematists (scientists) working on this genus. So while you can
say that your fish is L027b, only someone with experience of collecting the fish in the wild can actually be sure about it.
I know some fishkeepers are like stamp collectors, and insist on putting names on everything, but as someone who did their PhD in systematics (of ammonites, not fish, though) I can assure you it is
much more difficult than non-scientists think.
Anyway, I've had a royal plec for over 10 years. I recently exchanged e-mails with a scientist working on the biology of these catfish and learned some very cool stuff. I've uploaded summaries to my own web pages and to the Wikipedia, but I'd encourage anyone into these fish to follow the links to the original papers. One of the key things is to recognise their diet: they need wood, but must never be given high protein foods like prawns or mussels.
My royal plec has grown from about 4 cm to 15 cm in 10.5 years, and has prospered in hard, alkaline water with mbuna and soft, acid water with tetras. So I think you can say they're pretty hardy! It is somewhat active by day if I put in some celery or cucumber, though still nervous, and if I move or open the hood it swims into her cave. It has shown no aggression or bad habits of any kind whatsover, and for five or six years coexisted with an Ancistrus catfish just fine. The tank it is in now is 180 litres.
The only 'plecs' I have seen eating slime have been Otocinclus. Just yesterday I had to remove the Awous goby from my community aquarium because the otos were attacking it. I hadn't realised what was causing the 'rash' he had until catching these naughty catfish in the act. Since the otos have free access to vegetable foods as well as algae, hunger isn't the reason, and I think these otos simply like to eat slime as well as green foods.
which royal pleco are you asking about?
L027, L027b, L027c, L190 or L191?