Royal Gramma

Sea Turtle

Fish Crazy
May 18, 2007
Reaction score
Stratford, Connecticut
I bought a Royal Gramma yesterday because I think that they make an excellent addition to the reef tank. In the past when I had a fish only tank, I also had one. Mysteriously other little fish started disappearing from the tank. I think that he was literally eating them at night. Could this be possible? Has anyone ever had a Royal Gramma that is aggressive in this way?
he probably was not eating them but its very likely he was killing them
Yes, royal grammas are quite aggressive. Their behavior is magnified in a smaller system.
aye ski's spot-on, ive got 1 and before i moved my fish stock to a new large tank my gramma killed a angel fish and a wrasse.
Your comments surprise me. I've always understood that royal grammas are very safe reef fish, and I've never had any problems with them, they're my favourite fish. They're territorial, and will warn others away from their own little hideaway in the rockwork, but I've never known them attack anything. Suppose there are different characters in every breed.
I have a 75 gallon with 80 lbs of live rock. 1 Yellow Tang, 2 small Clowns, 5 Green Chromis, 1 Cleaner Shrimp, 1 scarlet hermit, a ton of blue leg hermits, and a large mix of snails.

Do you think that I should have any problem with him in this environment?
From my own experience and from what I've read about them, I would think he'll be fine. However I know others around here are far more expert than me.
Probably not. Especially if the gramma is the newest/last addition.
Yeh, he was the last of the fish to be added in. The Yellow tang seemed to really chase after him for the whole first day.

I appreciate all your help guys. For those of you interested, I will be posting some pics of my tank and sump tonight. I have noticed that I can't seem to add pics to the hardware forum. I this true or am I doing something wrong?
hmm...I don't know why it wouldn't let you put pics on the hardware forum?? Are you using photobucket?

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