Round Nose Elephant Fish. Cannot Find Info Anywhere?

totally tropical

Fish Fanatic
May 22, 2009
Reaction score
The Boro
I just made a visit to my local pet store and was attracted to a different form of elephant fish - these fish DO NOT have the trunk of the popular species, but look something like a mini whale.

The fish were called round nose elephant fish. I have tried to find info on them via google etc, but I can only get info on the popular species with the 'trunk'.

I just want to find out their requirements as I would like to purchase, but want to make sure that I am not making a big mistake.

Thank you.
not elephant nose but probably a similar species, sometimes called baby whales. google 'baby whale mormyrid' or one who's common name is dolphin mormyrid, Mormyrus tapirus. my bets on that one!

The most common of these "baby whale" mormyrids are Pollimyrus species, such as Pollimyrus isidori. These are gregarious fish that need a large tank so you can keep a school of six or more. In smaller group they're apt to bully one another, but singletons are nervous and don't live long.

Like all mormyrids they are extremely difficult to maintain. You need pristine water quality (though water chemistry doesn't matter much) and no usage of medications that contain copper (such as ick medication). They will not compete with loaches or catfish for food, so should be mixed with peaceful, preferably day-active, midwater fish only. They do not eat dried foods; initially live foods such as bloodworms and earthworms will be required, but wet frozen foods are taken readily enough. A sandy substrate is very helpful, probably obligatory. These rules apply to mormyrids across the board, except that most species are essentially solitary under aquarium conditions, including things like Mormyrus spp. and the popular Gnathonemus elephantnose.

Cheers, Neale
i have never seen Pollimyrus isidori in any shop, and i get around! lol
my bet is still firmly on Mormyrus tapirus.
i have seen these in numerous places, and for not much money, so i will stick with my guess!


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