Rough Night. Need Someone To Talk To.


Fish Addict
Aug 29, 2013
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Hello guys. Im having a terribley rough night. My face and pillow are wet with tears, and I have my first day of school for this year in the morning.

I just need a hug. I just need to talk. I just need a little dog to cuddle with. Yet, I dont have one. On August 7th, my dog had a seizure and he feel in our pool and drowned. I found him by the steps, scooped him up, and started screaming. He was my dog. He slept on my bed and qould greet me when I came home from school. Always there for a cuddle. Well, now I dont get any cuddles.

Our other dog is a lab. He doesnt want to cuddle, he doesnt want to be petted. He just wants to drop on you with muddy paws and play fetch.

My other cuddler was my guinea pig. She was a fatty who would lay down and give you little piggy kisses. She passed August 4th in my arms from an unknown cause. All we know is that she coulsnt walk and it was one in the morning.

Now I dont have a piggy or dog to cuddle with, and since its midnight I dont have anyone to hug me or talk to me. Ill be in the chat room, if you would like to talk. Im hoping someone will as I really need it now.
That is terribly sad and I'm sorry you had to go through that!
Sorry I didn't see this in time to hop into chat with you, I hope you've been able to fall asleep now and have a good day at school tomorrow.
Chin up chick

It's very sad losing a pet, especially two dearly loved ones within a few days of each other - I'm very sorry for your news, have you any good things to look forward to which you could try focus on?
There's nothing we can say or do which will help, just got to grieve
So sorry to hear you're down Ellie, we have all been there for various reasons, and it sounds like you had a lovely bond with you dog.

Just think of what a great life you gave him, and all the fun you had together.

Time does heal, and the pain eases each day. I had to put my 7 yr old beagle down in 2009 and I still well up when I think of him, bless him!

Hope you managed to get some rest.
Keep the's hard losing a pet...and the first day of school always make you nervous (at least it always did me).
Consider yourself {{{{{{{{HUGGED}}}}}}}}
Oh Ellie, so sorry that this happened and that you lost both of them so close after each other! It is a difficult thing, but we are all in this together, we all at one point or another have to let go of someone we love. And you know, it does not get easier as we get older!
I'm so sorry I was not there either to be a listening ear when you needed someone, but it is good that you had a good cry! I always feel a little better afterwards. When you're ready you may want to make a little collage with pictures of all the happy times you got to share with them. Maybe you can feel each of these memories like a hug from them!? 
And if you like, here are some hugs from my two fur babies: (((hugs from Poppy))) (((hugs from Genny))) and ((hugs)) from me as well! 
Thanks guys! It was probably 1 in the morning when I fell asleep. I already made an awesome frame, my parents let me have it as they had never really hung it up. It has a collage of colby, flower, and firecracker (we lost her due to paralysis in May). Its hung under my shelves that I have memories on, and I can see it from my pillow.
When we were chatting we played 20 questions in the chat room until 1 lol! It was "Im sorry" and then i wanted to think of happy thought :p

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