Rosybarb eye trouble

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New Member
Feb 6, 2004
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West Sussex - England
Woke up this morning to find that one of my rosybarbs' eye is bulging and has blood behind and surrounding it. He was fine yesterday! Does anyone know what could be the problem and if there is anything I can do?
hmmm, sounds like he may have bashed it against something or had a fight that led to that injury?
Are there any other signs/symptoms?

I would put him in a QT/Hospital tank and add some Melafix just to be safe. The Melafix will help it heal also.
Do you have facilities to do this?

I don't have a hospital tank as yet, I have one arriving in August though. Is Melafix an American thing cos I've never heard of it?
No other symptoms that I can see, perhaps a little quieter than usual. The rosy barbs do tend to dash about a lot, so maybe he has bashed into something.
You don't think that it's anything disease like then?
No No, Melafix is deffo not an American thing. Its readily available in the UK, I use it all the time.....

Its more of a remedy than a med. If your Hospital tank is not arriving until August, i would consider maybe putting some in your tank..... It cant hurt...... It will also decrease the risk of infection.

I think the best thing to do for now then, is to buy some Melafix.... not to add it, and monitor the situation closely to see if it gets any worse. Keep an eye out for the eye going cloudy, fungus and the eye starting to bulge more.
I dont think its a disease no, it sounds like a bloodshot eye after crashing into something or a fight. Somebody with more experience may say otherwise tho, so i would pay attention to other comments also.

Is the eye cloudy? How is the other eye looking? What are your water parameters? These answers to these are gonna be useful for me, and for others.... :nod:

Keep us posted :)
Thank you so much for your help!
There is no obvious clouding and the other eye is fine.
I've just been sat watching him and I don't think the vision out of the bad eye is too great as he keeps swimming round in little circles.
If it is a mechanical injury like you think, then it should heal and go back to normal in time right?
Thinking about it, there were fireworks going off last night at our neighbours which could have spooked the fish so that they went skitzo causing the rosybarb to hurt himself. I was too busy trying to calm down a very freaked out budgie to think whether the fish were ok!
Thanks again, you've been really helpful.

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