Rosy Tetra


Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
Essex, UK
Oh well, got home today from spending 1 day away to find a rosy tetra floating on the surface. :(

Couldn't have been dead long as he hadn't been picked at. Before I left none of the rosy's were showing any signs of sickness.

Typical that he waits until I'm away for 24 hours before dying.
:/ Happens. I think you notice it more if you've been away because there is a subconscious guilt that maybe you could have done something, but in reality, there probably wasn't.
maybe he was so upset that u had left him for a whole day and died out of sadness.

ok thats a load of crap i know

LOL, i agree, that is a load of crap. One of my cardinals lost its tail overnight for now apparent reason and died later, as far as i knew all my fish were perfectly happy with each other, you cant watch them all the time...
maybe he was so upset that u had left him for a whole day and died out of sadness.

ok thats a load of crap i know
That's what I'll think though.

Got back today and my ill catfish looks on his way out too. He's been ill for over a week, putting him in very clean water and treating him hasn't helped though. I can only try, can't do more than that.

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