Rosy Red Minnows, Community Tank..


Fish Crazy
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Since a recent ammonia fiasco, im left with the task of restocking my 10G. I'll be starting soon, but that depends on water stats.

I currently have one male betta and 1 albino cory in the tank. I plan on buying more cories to keep the single albino company. While at the LFS a week ago I was looking at the feeder fish. They have "rosy red minnows" which are also known as fatheads from my understanding. They are a coldwater fish but from my research they would be okay in my betta/cory tank which is usually 75 degrees, give or take a little.

My question is: would they be okay with the betta? I was probably going to buy 2.. I've never had any minnows before so any input would be nice. Im a little concerned about their size, too. I've read that they are very friendly. Can anybody tell me if they nip? I haven't read anything to indicate this, but I havent read anything that states they don't. The betta's fins are inviting..

If nobody has any objections or advice, my tank (10G US) would look something like:
-The betta
- 2 Rosy reds
- 3 Cories

Edit: these are the fish,
I use about 8 to keep my hospital tank cycled. They do seem peaceful with each other but i don't know about other fish. LOL I could put one in with my cichlids to see if they stay peaceful.

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