I am currently treating my tank for ich, and I have the temperature turned up to 84/85. I am using Mardel CopperSafe to treat it. The ich does not seem to be spreading anymore, and none of the fish have any obvious white spots. I've been treating the tank for 5 days.
One of my rosy barbs seems to be losing some of his scales. Could this be the temperature being too high for him? Or a reaction to the CopperSafe? Another thing I should mention is my rosy barbs always seemed to have a scale or two missing here and there. Kinda like a silver spot on their body instead of the orange.
Should I panic? I dropped the tank temperature a degree to ease up on the fishes a little bit. What else can I do?
Stock is currently: 2 rosy barbs, 4 tiger barbs, 1 firemouth cichlid
- kip
One of my rosy barbs seems to be losing some of his scales. Could this be the temperature being too high for him? Or a reaction to the CopperSafe? Another thing I should mention is my rosy barbs always seemed to have a scale or two missing here and there. Kinda like a silver spot on their body instead of the orange.
Should I panic? I dropped the tank temperature a degree to ease up on the fishes a little bit. What else can I do?
Stock is currently: 2 rosy barbs, 4 tiger barbs, 1 firemouth cichlid
- kip